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Download Skype 7.36.507 for Mac OS X

A month ago, went out version Skype 7.37.178 for Mac OS X which no longer supports versions younger than Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10. For users of Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 latest available version should have stayed Skype 7.36.217 for Mac OS X
«More about Skype 7.36.507 for Mac OS X»

(7 votes)

File size:

43.3 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Current version:


Last release:

Total downloads:

3 497


  1. 0 0 0
    CJ Hinke (karma: 0),
    They'd have to pry my 17-inch MBP from my cold, dead fingers! Thus, I'm running OS X 10.9.5.

    1) Will this version Skype 7.56.776 connect on 10.9.5? Or,

    2) Do I need to download 7.36.507 and modify the plist strings to

    Bottom line: What do I need to do to get Skype running on 10.9.5?

    Thanks so much

    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Yes, works on 10.9.5, but I'm not sure if this version is still supported. So, give it a try, and please let me know if it works for you.
  2. 3 +3 0
    Di Stronzo (karma: +3),
    MS is incapable of solving this problem. Here is a solution.
    1. The latest Mac 10.9 compatible version of Skype is v7.36. Find it here: Skype 7.36.507 for Mac OS X
    2. Right-click on Skype in Finder and select Show Package Contents
    3. Navigate to Contents folder and open the file Info.plist in TextEdit.
    4. Find <string>7.36</string> and <string></string> lines and change 7.36 to be 7.59 on both of them.
    5. Save and enjoy.
    Editing the version is needed because MS no longer allows using v7.36 and will keep signing you out until you update to a newer version.
    You will need to click Always Allow on several Keychain dialogs every time it starts, but it is a small price to pay compared to having to use the buggy and ugly Skype v8.



    1. 0 -1 1
      D Florentino (karma: +2),
      Hello Di Stronzo,
      I have followed your helpful prescription:
      3. Navigate to Contents folder and open the file Info.plist in TextEdit.
      4. Find <string>7.36</string> and <string></string> lines and change 7.36 to be 7.59 on both of them.
      But when I endeavour to edit the file "Info.plist" I get a drop down window that says I have to "unlock" it first, although when I click on "unlock" another drop down window says:
      "The file “Info.plist” is on a read-only volume and cannot be unlocked."
      It only provides an option to duplicate it, which I did editing this as advised and saved as "Info.plist" but I could neither remove the original "Info.plist" file from the "contents" folder nor could I put the new edited "Info.plist" identical copy of the file into the "contents" folder.

      Perhaps I am missing something. I should be grateful if you could advise how I can accomplish what you have directed in order to use Skype 7.36.507 on Mavericks.

      Grateful for your helpful attention,
      D Florentino

      P.S.: Although I have done reviews for MacUser and literary reviews in the past I am quite ignorant outside the very limited small areas I have covered, and abhor the later perhaps bloated OS's which -amongst other things- no longer enable me to use the more efficient Pages 09 which allows me to see and edit several more compact margin-less pages side by side, with work, character, etc., counts readily visible, etc.
    2. 0 0 0
      Keeley (karma: +3),
      Hi Di Stronzo,

      I have followed your instructions above but after I save the altered text and try and launch skype from applications it give me the following message:

      Skype has been damaged and you should move it to the trash

      Can you please help
  3. 1 +1 0
    K. Han (karma: +3),
    As of January 24, 2018, the latest classic version for Mac OS X 10.9, "7.36.507" is now allowed to login. Before, it had not been working. I seems to me that Microsoft changed the policy, at least for now.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Hey! Thank you for sharing these good news! (happy)
      1. 0 0 0
        K. Han (karma: +3),
        Later, I found that it only happens after once connected by the (Version Info) modified 7.36.507. Really strange...

        So, first, follow the method by Di Stronzo introduced, then try to connect with the original 7.36.507. If it works, it is much easier to use because it won't nag with security related messages.

        Microsoft! Stop doing silly play with Skype. Before and currently with classic version, it has been perfectly useful everyday's communication tool. If you really want to make a SnapChat wannabe, just let it be the independent toy from Skype. Leave the Skype as is, please.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1212),
          In this case, nothing is surprising. If you are authorized in a supported version and do not log out, Skype keeps the session active and automatically log in at next launch regardless of the version. even if it is no longer supported (the same happens in Skype for Windows).

          As for your feedback for Microsoft, please ping them directly, because I do not think they are reading this blog.
          1. 0 0 0
            K. Han (karma: +3),
            I see. Thank you for clarification and your effort to keep this blog for a long time.
  4. 0 0 0
    Hobs (karma: +3),
    As of July 6 2018, this no longer works for me. As a matter of fact this is the second run after an initial attempt I did back in february or march. In all cases I've reproduced the steps to change the version number in the Info.plist file, and tried variations of it as well (first deleting the whole app and all the related files to start from a clean sheet).

    I'm attaching a screenshot of the situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. 0 0 0
    Antony Opiyo (karma: 0),
    Great working perfectly on Skype for Mac OS X
  6. 1 +1 0
    Andy (karma: +1),
    Today, Sept 5 2019, I followed Di Storonzo's method. Skype loads up, asks for login info and after i put everything in and click login, the program just stays loading for ever. Got tired of waiting, so I just downloaded Chrome and used Skype Web.

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