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Download Skype for Windows

Released a minor version of Skype for Windows, and, apparently, version Skype for Windows contains only minor corrections (besides this, the installer’s size does not differ much from the previous version)…
«More about Skype for Windows»

(3 votes)

File size:

55.1 MB

Operating system:

Windows 7/8/10

Current version:

Last release:

Total downloads:

1 958


  1. 2 +1 1
    miko (karma: +301),
    They cut time zone and number of contacts on all profiles, i can't even see how many contacts i have in my profile information.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      It seems this is a server-side change and not related only to (at least also does not display this information).
  2. 0 0 0
    gj kotlar (karma: +3),
    My skype has been working well for years making calls to contacts and landline and mobile phones using my skype credit until like about a week ago. Then suddenly I was not able to talked to anybody. I removed and downloaded skype several times no change.
    Skype brings up my contacts and phone list but when I try to make a call it says "connecting" but never connects and when I hang up it says no answer. I tried to call people on my phone list using my regular phone asking if their phone is working, and obviously worked since I was able to talk to them. They said the phone never rang when I was trying to call them using my skype credit.
    I tried to get the problem fixed by contacting Microsoft. Their technician tried to download the 7. 32.0.103 version, it worked for like about a minute, then skype automatically upgraded to 7.33and the same problems occur again.
    I am running windows 7 on a Toshiba laptop and as I mentioned skype worked well for me before for many years. Ther is nochange in the internet provider, no change in the location I always have 5 bars for signal....

    I am runnig out of options, I would like to stop upgrades but so far I was unableto do so.

    Any help appreciated

    G J Kotlar
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hi! If I understood correctly you cannot call even to echo123, and there is no dial tone? If so, please read this Cannot make calls and no dial tone in Skype for Windows.
  3. 0 0 0
    Almin (karma: +9),
    Not much of stuff updated?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Unfortunately, the official changelog do not describe anything, and I still do not find out any changes. By the way, yesterday has been released and nothing is known about this version.

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