Skype for Windows
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1 447 downloads
Has been released a new version of Skype for Windows at number Unfortunately, no information about this release have not been published either on the official website, or anywhere else. But judging by the new string lines added to Skype, it seems will soon release a new version of Skype, as I understand, we are talking about on Skype for UWP (Universal Windows Platform). Also, Skype for Windows displays tips how to fix authorization and launching errors (in particular, about how to configure Internet Explorer so that Skype works without problems).
File size:
43.1 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
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1 447Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Unresolved | Sometimes cloud emoticons are not shown |
Strings | sZAPBUTTON_COEXPROMOYES := Try Skype Preview |
Strings | sZAPBUTTON_COEXPROMONO := Use Classic Skype |
Strings | sMYSELF_CAPTURE_HINT_SLIDER := = Slider to zoom in or out of the profile picture |
Strings | sFILE_TRANSFER_ACCEPT_CAPTION := Accept file? |
Strings | sFILE_TRANSFER_TRUST := Only accept files from people you trust. |
Strings | sFILE_TRANSFER_DETAILS := Do you want to accept the file %0:s from %1:s? |
Strings | sFILE_TRANSFER_UNSAFE_WARNING := Warning - this file may be unsafe for your computer/device. |
Strings | sFILE_TRANSFER_DONT_ASK := Don't ask me again |
Strings | sNGC_UPDATE_SKYPE_MESSAGE_EX_1 := %0:s was unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they’re using an unsupported device. %1:sFind out more.%2:s |
Strings | sNGC_UPDATE_SKYPE_MESSAGE_EX_2 := %0:s and %1:s were unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they’re using an unsupported device. %2:sFind out more.%3:s |
Strings | sNGC_UPDATE_SKYPE_MESSAGE_EX_3 := %0:s, %1:s and %2:s were unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they’re using an unsupported device. %3:sFind out more.%4:s |
Strings | sCLOUD_FILETRANSFER_UPLOAD_FAILED_TOOBIG_EX := Not sent - File is larger than %0:s. %1:sLearn more%2:s |
Strings | sDISCOVERABILITY_TAB_INTRO := These details can be used to find you on Skype |
Strings | sLOGIN_ERROR_LEARN_MORE := Learn more |
Strings | sLOGIN_ERROR_RETRY := Retry |
Strings | sLOGIN_ERROR_OOPS := Oops |
Strings | sLOGIN_ERROR_AD := There was a problem signing in to Skype as you may have an Internet Explorer plugin or ad blocking software blocking access. Check your Internet Explorer settings and try again later. |
Strings | sLOGIN_ERROR_IE_SETTINGS := There was a problem signing in to Skype due to your Internet Explorer settings. To fix this, go to Internet Explorer > Internet Options and check that TLS options are enabled. |
Strings | sLOGIN_ERROR_IE_VERSION := There was a problem signing in to Skype as your version of Internet Explorer is currently out of date. Update Internet Explorer and try again later. |
Strings | sBOT_PROFILE_PRIVACY_LINK_LABEL := Privacy Statement |
Strings | sBOT_PROFILE_TOS_LINK_LABEL := Terms of Service |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_HEADER := Say hello to the new Skype |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_PARA_1 := We're getting the next version of Skype for Windows ready and we'd like you to give it a try today. |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_PARA_2 := Use the smiley feedback button to let us know what you think, what you love or even what you'd most like to see next. |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_PARA_3 := Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling. |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_CHECKBOX := Don't show this again |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_HEADER := To help improve your Skype experience in the future, we'd like to hear why you switched back to Classic Skype. |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_RADIO1 := I was unable to sign in to Skype Preview. |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_RADIO2 := Skype Preview is missing features I use. |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_RADIO3 := I experienced quality issues while using Skype Preview. |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_RADIO4 := I don't want to use a Preview version of Skype. |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_ADDITIONAL := Do you have any additional comments or feedback?<br />(Don't include any personal or identifying information in your message.) |
Strings | sCOEX_FEEDBACK_LINKS := <a href='%0:s'>Terms of Use</a>%separator%<a href='%1:s'>Privacy Policy</a>%separator%<a href='%2:s'>FAQ</a> |
Strings | sACC_NAME_COEX_FEEDBACK_TEXT := Feedback text |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_HEADER_2 := Welcome back |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_PARA_1_2 := We hope you've enjoyed using the Skype Preview app. We update and improve Skype using the valuable feedback we get from everyone trying the Preview. |
Strings | sCOEX_PROMO_PARA_2_2 := In future, jump right in by launching 'Skype Preview app' from the Windows Start button. |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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