Skype for Windows
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The new version of Skype for Windows has been released, and first of all it should be noted that has been fixed the duplicating custom contact lists bug, and has removed advertisement banners which uses flash technology (this means that among other things, there no longer will occur the Adobe Flash Player error: “# 2060 Security Sandbox violation”).
But Skype for Windows has another new change that all users for certain will notice: in this release for a little has been changed the colour scheme of search window, toolbar, last conversations, notifications and chat messages.
But Skype for Windows has another new change that all users for certain will notice: in this release for a little has been changed the colour scheme of search window, toolbar, last conversations, notifications and chat messages.

File size:
45.2 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Fixed | Duplicated custom contact lists |
Unresolved | Deleted flash ads |
Changed | Changed the colour scheme |
Strings | sF_SPLASH_COPYRIGHT1 := = © 2016 Skype and/or Microsoft |
Strings | sF_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT_1_1 := = © 2016 Skype and/or Microsoft |
Strings | sZAPBUTTON_FULLSCREENEXIT := = Exit full screen |
Strings | sVIDEO_EXIT_FULLSCREEN_CAPTION := = Exit full screen |
Strings | sLIVE_B_FULLSCREENEXIT := = Exit full screen |
Strings | sAPP_TOOLBAR_AGENTS := = Add bots... |
Strings | sAPP_TOOLBAR_AGENTS_HINT := = Add a new bot to your contact list |
Strings | sAGENTS_FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_LIST := = There was a problem finding new bots, please try again later. |
Strings | sAGENTS_EMPTY_LIST := = No available bots. |
Strings | sACC_AGENTS_LIST_ACC_NAME := = List of available bots |
Strings | sMAINMENU_INSTALL_HOLO := Install HoloLens Add-in... |
Strings | sHOLO_UPSELL := Download the HoloLens Add-in to point, ink and add holograms. |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_FORM_CAPTION := HoloLens |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_NORMAL_CAPTION := Download HoloLens Add-in for Skype |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_NORMAL_TEXT1 := If you're making or receiving calls to a HoloLens, for the best experience you can install an Add-in for Skype that allows you to point, ink and add holograms to your calls. |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_NORMAL_TEXT2 := You'll need to hang up and redial any existing calls. |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_DOWNLOAD_CAPTION := Downloading... |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_DOWNLOAD_TEXT := Please wait while the HoloLens Add-in is being downloaded. |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_PAUSED := Download paused |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_INIT := Initializing... |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_FAILED_CAPTION := Problem during download |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_FAILED_TEXT1 := Download of the Skype Add-in failed. |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_FAILED_TEXT2 := to download the upgrade manually |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_FAILED_LINK := Click here |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_READY_CAPTION := HoloLens Add-in for Skype is ready to install |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_READY_TEXT1 := HoloLens Add-in for Skype is ready to install now. |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_INSTALL := Install |
Strings | sINSTALL_HOLO_FAILED := %0:sClick here%1:s to download the upgrade manually |
Strings | sTRANSLATOR_LANG_ja_jpan := Japanese (Japanese) |
Strings | sTRANSLATOR_LANG_ja_latn := Japanese (Latin) |
Strings | sTRANSLATOR_LANG_sw := Swahili |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_NO_SOUND_LOCAL := I could not hear any sound |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_NO_SOUND_REMOTE := The other side could not hear any sound |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_ECHO := I heard echo in the call |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_NOISE := I heard noise in the call |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_LOW_SOUND := Volume was low |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_DROPPED := The call ended unexpectedly |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_DISTORTED := Speech was not natural or sounded distorted |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_INTERRUPTED := We kept interrupting each other |
Strings | sAUDIO_TOKEN_OTHER := Other, please specify |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_NO_VIDEO_LOCAL := I could not see any video |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_NO_VIDEO_REMOTE := The other side could not see my video |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_LOW_QUALITY := Image quality was poor |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_FREEZING := Video kept freezing |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_STOPPED_UNEXPECTEDLY := Video stopped unexpectedly |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_OTHER_SIDE_TOO_DARK := The other side was too dark |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_NO_AUDIO_SYNC := Video was ahead or behind audio |
Strings | sVIDEO_TOKEN_OTHER := Other, please specify |
Strings | sBOT_PREDEFINED_CAPABILITIES := Send and receive instant messages and photos. |
Strings | sBOT_SEARCH_PROMPT := Search for bots |
Strings | sBOT_CAPABILITIES_LABEL := Capabilities |
Strings | sBOT_PRIVACY_LABEL := Privacy |
Strings | sBOT_ID_LABEL := Bot: |
Strings | sBOT_CREATED_BY := Created by: |
Strings | sBOT_PREDEFINED_CAPABILITIES_ONEWAY := Send instant messages and photos. |
Strings | sBOT_PROFILE_PRIVACY_NEW := This bot will have access to your Display Name, Skype Name, and any chat messages or content that you or other group participants share with it. |
Strings | sBOT_ADDED_TO_GROUP_PRIVACY := Bots added to this group have access to each participant's Skype Name, Display Name and any new chat messages or new content shared in the group. |
Strings | sBOT_PRESENT_IN_GROUP_PRIVACY := Welcome! This group includes one or more bots. They have access to each participant's Skype Name, Display Name and any new chat messages or new content shared in the group. |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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