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Remarkable features of Skype

Download Skype for Windows

For the third consecutive day, a new version of the program Skype for Windows is released. Nonetheless, today we are not talking about a minor release but a full version that brought a couple of interesting and useful features…
«More about Skype for Windows»

(16 votes)

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46.2 MB

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Total downloads:

23 656


  1. 1 +1 0
    Noam (karma: +1),
    I have the new version and all of the new emoji that came out after inside out stopped working. And I heard that this is because of the version. do u know if that is indeed the case and if it is will it be fixed?
  2. 0 0 0
    Pankaj (karma: 0),
    I upgrade Skype to and all new emoji disappear like (joy) (pullshot) etc. this is not fair I think.
    1. 2 0 2
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      They are still there. You should wait a little while Skype updates files.
      1. 0 0 0
        milena (karma: +3),
        ne mogu da instaliram skype! zasto???
  3. 2 +2 0
    1111 (karma: +2),
    Thanks, brother! that is the only version which worked out for me: XP SP3
  4. 0 0 0
    2222 (karma: 0),
    Thank you very much. This version finally works well on my Win7 Home Premium SP1 + Internet Explorer 8 configuration and does not keep telling me that "We couldn't connect to Skype", as it was an issue with versions 7.16. and 7.18.
  5. 0 0 0
    Jon Begenstien (karma: +6),
    This is a very nice project, LOVE IT. Now I can finally downgrade!
  6. 0 0 0
    Валерий (karma: 0),
    я поменял логин. в системе не был полгода. как восстановиться?

    [Updated ]
    Снести старый скайп В новом сделать регистрацию, с оставлением абонентов!

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