unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Download Skype for Windows

Was released a new version of the popular application Skype for Windows, which although it does not contain significant changes, according to my observation should bring joy to many users…
«More about Skype for Windows»

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45.8 MB

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  1. 0 0 0
    alexander (karma: +7),
    Old Skype was easier and is more practical and certainly the picture was more beautiful.
    When opened =инструменты - == that all was well simple and all was around visible and now appears
    Simply big sheet closes everything, letters too big and and my photo in any circle. Skype works well, but the kind and conveniences can be made better simply and more beautifully. After all all love it!

    p.s. But if I could establish 7 33 or early would be very glad!

    Yours faithfully Alexander
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hello Alexander! Please note that version is outdated and cannot be used anymore. Therefore you must install Skype or higher (I recommend you Skype

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