Skype for Windows
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4 418 downloads
Was released a new version of Skype for Windows, which should bring joy to the users which are using the high DPI value (ie, scaling the text or increased font size). The point is that in the Skype for Windows officially has added HiDPI support, which means that the Skype graphics and text will appear crystal clear, regardless of the font size of the operating system. Skype now support a range of screen resolutions, including 100%, 125%, 150% and 200%.
File size:
44.7 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
4 418Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
New | HiDPI support |
Unresolved | Skype ignores the «Disable display scaling on high DPI settings» option |
Strings | sMOVEMBER_SMILEY := Movember |
Strings | sOK_SMILEY := OK |
Strings | sFISTBUMP_SMILEY := Fist bump |
Strings | sPRAYING_SMILEY := Praying |
Strings | sPOKE_SMILEY := Poke |
Strings | sVICTORY_SMILEY := Victory sign |
Strings | sHANDS_IN_AIR_SMILEY := Hands celebrating |
Strings | sMAN_SMILEY := Man |
Strings | sWOMAN_SMILEY := Woman |
Strings | sGOTTARUN_SMILEY := Got to run |
Strings | sSTOP_SMILEY := Stop |
Strings | sMONKEY_SMILEY := Monkey |
Strings | sSNAIL_SMILEY := Snail |
Strings | sGOODLUCK_SMILEY := Good luck |
Strings | sISLAND_SMILEY := Island |
Strings | sUMBRELLA_SMILEY := Umbrella |
Strings | sRAINBOW_SMILEY := Rainbow |
Strings | sCANYOUTALK_SMILEY := Can you talk? |
Strings | sCAMERA_SMILEY := Camera |
Strings | sPLANE_SMILEY := Plane |
Strings | sCAR_SMILEY := Car |
Strings | sCOMPUTER_SMILEY := Computer |
Strings | sBRB_SMILEY := Be right back |
Strings | sGAMES_SMILEY := Games |
Strings | sGIFT_SMILEY := Gift |
Strings | sHOLDOn_SMILEY := Hold on |
Strings | sLETSMEET_SMILEY := Let's meet |
Strings | sCONFIDENTIAL_SMILEY := Confidential |
Strings | sBOMB_SMILEY := Bomb |
Strings | sWHATSGOINGON_SMILEY := What's going on? |
Strings | sWIN10_SMILEY := Windows 10 |
Strings | sLEARN_SMILEY := Global Learning |
Strings | sACCESS_SMILEY := Access |
Strings | sBING_SMILEY := Bing |
Strings | sEXCEL_SMILEY := Excel |
Strings | sINTERNETEXPLORER_SMILEY := Internet Explorer |
Strings | sMICROSOFT_SMILEY := Microsoft |
Strings | sONEDRIVE_SMILEY := OneDrive |
Strings | sONENOTE_SMILEY := Onenote |
Strings | sOUTLOOK_SMILEY := Outlook |
Strings | sPOWERPOINT_SMILEY := Powerpoint |
Strings | sPUBLISHER_SMILEY := Publisher |
Strings | sSHAREPOINT_SMILEY := Sharepoint |
Strings | sSKYPEBIZ_SMILEY := Skype for Business |
Strings | sWORD_SMILEY := Word |
Strings | sXBOX_SMILEY := Xbox |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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