Skype for Windows
2 729 downloads
The developers have released new Skype version for Windows in which some small errors have been corrected and a couple of small changes have been made. However, despite such a minor update, this version of Skype for Windows is very important for users of older computers. The problem is that some users of other versions of Skype, when trying to select the desired contact, get an error "Cannot change to undefined button (264,22)" and cannot use the program. For most computers, version has not this defect and allows you to use Skype without problems.
On the other hand, you should take into consideration another important point – even if Skype does not give the above error, all the same you can have problems with video calls. More precisely, you won’t be able to make video calls if you have an old computer, and the processor does not support the SSE2 instruction set (a set of processor instructions which appeared in 2001). If so, alas, video calling will be disabled, and neither version, nor another version of Skype will help. The good news is that the rest of Skype will work without problems; furthermore, the processors that don’t support the SSE2 haven’t been produced for a long time.
On the other hand, you should take into consideration another important point – even if Skype does not give the above error, all the same you can have problems with video calls. More precisely, you won’t be able to make video calls if you have an old computer, and the processor does not support the SSE2 instruction set (a set of processor instructions which appeared in 2001). If so, alas, video calling will be disabled, and neither version, nor another version of Skype will help. The good news is that the rest of Skype will work without problems; furthermore, the processors that don’t support the SSE2 haven’t been produced for a long time.
File size:
34.4 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
2 729Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Improved | General improvements |
Fixed | General amendments |
Strings | sCHAT_SEND_MESSAGE := = Type a message here |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_1 := 1 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_2 := 2 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_3 := 3 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_4 := 4 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_5 := 5 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_6 := 6 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_7 := 7 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_8 := 8 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_9 := 9 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_0 := 0 |
Strings | sDIALPAD_MAIN_HASH := # |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_2 := ABC |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_3 := DEF |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_4 := GHI |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_5 := JKL |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_6 := MNO |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_7 := PQRS |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_8 := TUV |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_9 := WXYZ |
Strings | sDIALPAD_AUX_0 := + |
Strings | sDIALPAD_COUNTRY_SELECTOR := %s (+%d) |
Strings | sBUDDYMENU_CHANGE_TOPIC := Change topic... |
Strings | sF_CHANGE_TOPIC_CAPTION := Change topic |
Strings | sMAINMENU_CONVERSATION_CHANGE_TOPIC := Change topic... |
Strings | sF_CHANGE_TOPIC_LABEL := Enter new topic |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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