unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.9.233 for Web

Along with Skype for Windows has been updated and Skype for Web today. But unlike Skype for Windows, about Skype 1.9.233 for Web nothing is not known.

Skype 1.9.233 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 842


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.9.233 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings splashScreen_signOut_title:
= Please sign in to get started.
Strings skypeUnavailable_title:
= We're currently experiencing server issues. Skype is working on the issues and will be available again shortly.
Strings header_text_joinViaLink:
= Allow people to join this group via link
= Make a link for anyone to join
Strings spaces_default_name:
= Untitled conversation
Strings spaces_email_subject:
= Join me in my Skype Space
= Join my group on Skype
Strings spaces_joining_disabled_message:
= Turn on <i>'Make a link for anyone to join'</i> from the {anchorStart}profile{anchorEnd} to get a link you can share.
Strings spaces_email_joinMe:
= Join me in '{spaceName}' on Skype so we can call, chat and share things together.
= I've made a group on Skype for us to chat, share and collaborate.
Strings spaces_email_link:
= Just use this link to join our Space:
= Join it by clicking the link:
Strings spaces_email_download:
= Don't have Skype yet? Download it before you join
Strings message_text_guestRemovedBySystem:
= The guest account for {participant} has expired.
= The guest account for {participant} has expired
Strings typingIndicator_label_multipleParticipants:
= {firstParticipantName}, {secondParticipantName} and {count} other is typing...
= {firstParticipantName}, {secondParticipantName} and {count} other are typing...
Strings action_button_share_conversation:
= Share conversation
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_headingWithClosedProfile:
= Group chat:{topic}. Open group profile.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_headingWithOpenedProfile:
= Group chat:{topic}. Close group profile.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_attendeeMenu:
= {participantName}. More options.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_adminMenu:
= {participantName}, admin. More options.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_guestMenu:
= {participantName}, guest. More options.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_historyToggle_on:
= Make chat history available to new joiner. On.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_historyToggle_off:
= Make chat history available to new joiner. Off.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_joiningToggle_on:
= Allow people to join this group via link. On.
Strings accessibility_groupProfile_joiningToggle_off:
= Allow people to join this group via link. Off.
Strings label_jumpToConversation:
= Jump to conversation
Strings share_on_skype_dialog_title:
= Share on Skype
Strings groupChatHeader_heading_ariaLabel:
= Group chat:{topic}. View group profile.

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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