unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.7.228 for Web

Skype for Web has been updated to the new version at number 1.7.228.

Skype 1.7.228 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 848


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.7.228 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings splashScreen_signInFailed_title:
= Sign in failed
= We couldn't sign you in.
Strings splashScreen_signInFailed_description:
= Sign-in was not successful. Please sign in again.
= Please try again.
Strings spaces_tooltip_text:
= Invite other people by sending them this link, even if they're not on Skype.
Strings spaces_welcomeTitle:
= Your conversation is all set up
Strings spaces_welcomeMessage:
= Share photos, messages and much more with everyone here or invite even more people by sharing this link with them
Strings spaces_welcomeMessageWithoutLink:
= Share photos, messages and much more with everyone here
Strings spaces_welcomeRenameBtnTitle:
= Rename conversation
Strings spaces_welcomeRenameBtnMessage:
= Make your conversation unique
Strings spaces_welcomeSettingsBtnTitle:
= Settings
Strings spaces_welcomeSettingsBtnMessage:
= Manage your conversation
Strings spaces_anyoneElse:
= Anyone else? Send them a link
Strings message_text_suggestedContactGreeting:
= <strong>{displayName}</strong> is an address book contact, but needs you to connect first before chatting
Strings message_text_suggestedContactConnectAction:
= Connect on Skype
Strings contactPage_text_menuLink:
= Contacts
Strings contactPage_text_header:
= Contacts
Strings contactPage_text_tab_allContacts:
= All contacts
Strings contactPage_text_tab_available:
= Available
Strings contactPage_text_tab_work:
= Work
Strings contactPage_text_hint_search:
= Hint: you can add new contacts by searching
Strings button_text_joinCall:
= Join Call
Strings button_text_createConversation:
= Create
Strings callScreen_text_terminationPrompt:
= You're currently in a call, are you sure you want to hang up and close Skype?
Strings action_button_save:
= Save
Strings media_mojisharing_one:
= shared a moji
Strings media_mojisharing_group:
= {senderName} shared a moji
Strings turnOffChatNotifications_tooltip:
= Turn off chat notifications
Strings turnOnChatNotifications_tooltip:
= Turn on chat notifications
Strings conversationHeader_heading_ariaLabel:
= Conversation with {participant}.
= Conversation with {topic}.
Strings conversation_header_topic_untitled_conversation:
= Untitled conversation
Strings message_text_presenceActive:
= Active
Strings message_text_presenceOffline:
= Not available
Strings message_text_presenceActiveMobile:
= Active on mobile
Strings message_text_presenceAway:
= Away
Strings message_text_presenceBusy:
= Busy
Strings message_text_presenceUnknown:
= Presence unknown
Strings expressionPicker_mruTab_title:
= Most Recently Used
Strings expressionPicker_mruTab_ariaLabel:
= Most Recently Used
Strings presence_lastseen_moments:
= Last seen moments ago
Strings presence_lastseen_minutes:
= Last seen {number}m ago
Strings presence_lastseen_hours:
= Last seen {number}h ago
Strings presence_lastseen_days:
= Last seen {number}d ago
Strings presence_lastseen_date_short:
= Last seen {shortdate}
Strings presence_lastseen_date_full:
= Last seen {fulldate}
Strings splashScreen_linking_title:
= Connect to Skype
Strings splashScreen_linking_description:
= Call and message with others - wherever they are.
Strings splashScreen_linking_button:
= Sign in or join
Strings media_fliksharing_one:
= shared a flik
Strings media_fliksharing_group:
= {senderName} shared a flik

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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