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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.42.98 for Web

Has been released a new version of Skype for Web and the first thing that can be noticed is the typing indicator in conversations. Also, there are some bugfixes for Skype 1.42.98 for Web, but I do not know exactly which ones.

Skype 1.42.98 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 828


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.42.98 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

New Typing indicator
Strings label_text_discover_agents_page_hint:
= Hint: Interact with Bots by clicking on them and adding them to your contacts.
= Hint: Interact with Bots by tapping on them and adding them to your contacts.
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_capabilities:
= With this bot you can
= Here's what you can do with this bot
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_audio_send:
= Audio Call
= make voice calls
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_video_send:
= Video Call
= make video calls
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_im_send:
= Send/Receive Instant Messages
= send instant messages
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_screen_sharing:
= Share your Screen
= share screens
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_gvc:
= Group Call
= make group video calls
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_group_chat:
= Group Chat
= add bot to group chats
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_file_send:
= Send Files
= send files
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_contact_send:
= Send Contacts
= send contacts
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_videomessage_send:
= Send Video Messages
= send video messages
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_audiomessage_send:
= Send Audio Messages
= send audio messages
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_mediamessage_send:
= Send Media Messages
= send media messages
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_photo_send:
= Send Photos
= send photos
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_moji_send:
= Send Moji
= send Mojis
Strings label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_location_send:
= Send your Location
= share location
Strings message_text_pluginFree_outgoingP2P_line3:
= Alternatively, you can still contact them by switching to the Skype app for your device {upgrade_link}.
Strings message_text_pluginFree_incomingP2P_line3:
= Alternatively, you can receive their call by switching to the Skype app for your device {upgrade_link}.
Strings settings_microphone_title:
= Microphone
Strings settings_speaker_title:
= Speaker
Strings settings_camera_title:
= Camera
Strings settings_close_title:
= Close
Strings settings_default_device_name:
= Automatically selected
Strings about_plugin_not_available:
= Not available
Strings button_text_joinCallWithVideo:
= Join Call with video
Strings button_text_closeSettings:
= Close
Strings callscreen_text_showAVSettings:
= Audio and video settings
Strings callscreen_text_hideAVSettings:
= Hide audio and video settings
Strings cqf_accessibility_cancel_btn:
= Cancel
Strings cqf_accessibility_submit_btn:
= Send feedback
Strings cqf_accessibility_oneStar_ariaLabel:
= Very bad
Strings cqf_accessibility_twoStars_ariaLabel:
= Poor
Strings cqf_accessibility_threeStars_ariaLabel:
= Fair
Strings cqf_accessibility_fourStars_ariaLabel:
= Good
Strings cqf_accessibility_fiveStars_ariaLabel:
= Excellent

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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