Skype 1.42.98 for Web
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2 817 downloads
Has been released a new version of Skype for Web and the first thing that can be noticed is the typing indicator in conversations. Also, there are some bugfixes for Skype 1.42.98 for Web, but I do not know exactly which ones.
Operating system:
WebSkype version:
1.42.98Release date:
Total hits:
2 817Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.42.98 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
New | Typing indicator |
Strings | label_text_discover_agents_page_hint := = Hint: Interact with Bots by tapping on them and adding them to your contacts. |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_label_capabilities := = Here's what you can do with this bot |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_audio_send := = make voice calls |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_video_send := = make video calls |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_im_send := = send instant messages |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_screen_sharing := = share screens |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_gvc := = make group video calls |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_group_chat := = add bot to group chats |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_file_send := = send files |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_contact_send := = send contacts |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_videomessage_send := = send video messages |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_audiomessage_send := = send audio messages |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_mediamessage_send := = send media messages |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_photo_send := = send photos |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_moji_send := = send Mojis |
Strings | label_text_agent_profile_capabilities_location_send := = share location |
Strings | message_text_pluginFree_outgoingP2P_line3 := Alternatively, you can still contact them by switching to the Skype app for your device {upgrade_link}. |
Strings | message_text_pluginFree_incomingP2P_line3 := Alternatively, you can receive their call by switching to the Skype app for your device {upgrade_link}. |
Strings | settings_microphone_title := Microphone |
Strings | settings_speaker_title := Speaker |
Strings | settings_camera_title := Camera |
Strings | settings_close_title := Close |
Strings | settings_default_device_name := Automatically selected |
Strings | about_plugin_not_available := Not available |
Strings | button_text_joinCallWithVideo := Join Call with video |
Strings | button_text_closeSettings := Close |
Strings | callscreen_text_showAVSettings := Audio and video settings |
Strings | callscreen_text_hideAVSettings := Hide audio and video settings |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_cancel_btn := Cancel |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_submit_btn := Send feedback |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_oneStar_ariaLabel := Very bad |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_twoStars_ariaLabel := Poor |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_threeStars_ariaLabel := Fair |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_fourStars_ariaLabel := Good |
Strings | cqf_accessibility_fiveStars_ariaLabel := Excellent |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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