unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.35.100 for Web

As well as Skype for Windows today has been released a new version of Skype for Web. However, besides good news there also are some bad ones: nothing is known about Skype 1.35.100 for Web.

Skype 1.35.100 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 830


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.35.100 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings button_text_discover_agents:
= Discover Bots
Strings label_text_discover_agents_page_header:
= Bots
Strings label_text_discover_agents_page_hint:
= Hint: Interact with Bots by clicking on them and adding them to your contacts.
Strings label_text_discover_agents_page_zero_results_text_part_1:
= It looks like you've already connected with all of the Bots. You can interact with them from the Contacts page or by searching for them.
Strings label_text_discover_agents_page_zero_results_text_part_2:
= We're always adding new Bots, so check back here soon.
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_agentid:
= Bot
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_skype_certified:
= Skype Certified
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_author:
= Created by
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_description:
= About
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_website:
= Website
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_capabilities:
= Capabilities
Strings label_text_agent_profile_value_capabilities:
= This bot is capable of sharing chat messages and photos.
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_privacy:
= Privacy
Strings label_text_agent_profile_value_privacy:
= This bot will have access to your Display Name, Skype Name, and any chat messages or content that you or other group participants share with it.
Strings label_text_agent_profile_label_rating:
= Rating
Strings message_text_ngcUpgradeMessage_one:
= <strong>{participant}</strong> was unable to join this call as they need to update Skype first or they're offline.
= <strong>{participant}</strong> was unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they're using an unsupported device. Find out more at {link}
Strings message_text_ngcUpgradeMessage_many:
= <strong>{participantList}</strong> and <strong>{lastParticipant}</strong> were unable to join this call as they need to update Skype first or they're offline.
= <strong>{participantList}</strong> and <strong>{lastParticipant}</strong> were unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they're using an unsupported device. Find out more at {link}
Strings chatLogmenuItem_copy_link:
= Copy link
Strings callscreen_text_plusButton:
= Add participants, share screens and more
Strings callscreen_text_shareScreens:
= Share screens...
Strings callscreen_text_addParticipants:
= Add people to this call
Strings giveFeedback_button_label:
= Feedback

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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