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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.34.99 for Web

Has been updated the Skype for Web and the new version brought some new interesting and useful features. Thus with Skype 1.34.99 for Web you can receive screen share in calls, add participants to ongoing call and execute chat system commands.

Skype 1.34.99 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 830


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.34.99 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

New Receive screen share
New Add participants to call
New Chat system commands
Strings input_searchSkype_ariaLabel_4b:
= Search conversation. Type contact name.
Strings label_text_contact_profile_agent_description:
= Description
Strings label_text_contact_profile_agent_author:
= Author
Strings label_text_contact_profile_agent_certification:
= Certification
Strings label_text_contact_profile_agent_rating:
= Average Rating
Strings label_text_view_profile_menu_item:
= View Profile
Strings contactPage_text_tab_agents:
= Bots
Strings accessibility_localSearchUpdated_4b:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} result found in your contacts.
Strings accessibility_localSearchUpdated_4b_few:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found in your contacts.
Strings accessibility_localSearchUpdated_4b_many:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found in your contacts.
Strings accessibility_localSearchNoResults_4b:
= Search updated and no results found in your contacts.
Strings giveFeedback_subject:
= Feedback for Skype on the web
Strings giveFeedback_body:
= If you're experiencing a problem or have feedback to share with the Skype team, please let us know below.
Strings conversation_header_topic_people_chatting:
= {count} person is chatting
Strings conversation_header_topic_people_chatting_few:
= {count} people are chatting
Strings conversation_header_topic_people_chatting_many:
= {count} people are chatting
Strings remove_conversation_confirmation_title_topic:
= Are you sure you want to delete '{topic}'?
Strings cqf_audio_nolocal:
= I could not hear any sound
Strings cqf_audio_noremote:
= The other side could not hear any sound
Strings cqf_audio_quality_echo:
= I heard echo in the call
Strings cqf_audio_quality_noise:
= I heard noise in the call
Strings cqf_audio_quality_volume:
= Volume was low
Strings cqf_audio_dropped:
= The call ended unexpectedly
Strings cqf_audio_quality_distorted:
= Speech was not natural or sounded distorted
Strings cqf_audio_quality_delay:
= We kept interrupting each other
Strings cqf_audio_other:
= Other, please specify
Strings cqf_audio_quality_dialpad:
= Dial pad tones did not work
Strings cqf_video_nolocal:
= I could not see any video
Strings cqf_video_noremote:
= The other side could not see my video
Strings cqf_video_quality_poor:
= Image quality was poor
Strings cqf_video_quality_freezing:
= Video kept freezing
Strings cqf_video_dropped:
= Video stopped unexpectedly
Strings cqf_video_quality_dark:
= The other side was too dark
Strings cqf_video_quality_sync:
= Video was ahead or behind audio
Strings cqf_video_other:
= Other, please specify

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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