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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.32.107 for Web

The Skype 1.32.107 for Web has been released and brings some refactoring for new users so the onboarding prompts get along with each other. Also, in Skype for Web new settings screen is invoked via link below the contact list.

ps. And while we are at Skype for Web: Skype is now available at more contexts when using Office in the browser. Here’s some more information including screenshots: Get chatting from Office and OneDrive.

Skype 1.32.107 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 879


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.32.107 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Improved Hints for new users
Tuned New settings screen
Strings header_text_admin_4b:
= Presenter
Strings settings_mentionsEnabled_alt_text:
= Notify me when someone mentions me on Skype. (@<username>)
= Always notify me when someone mentions me on Skype. (@<username>)
Strings settings_youtube_player_alt_text:
= Use Skype's built-in YouTube player to watch YouTube videos I send or receive.
= Use YouTube player directly to preview videos I send or receive.
Strings settings_filePaste_title:
= Enable file paste
= Enable image paste
Strings settings_filePaste_alt_text:
= Enable pasting of files and images from clipboard directly into the chat
= Enable pasting of images from clipboard directly into the chat
Strings settings_typingIndicator_title:
= Typing indicator
Strings settings_typingIndicator_alt_text:
= Show when I am typing
Strings settings_translator_title:
= Translator
Strings settings_translator_title_alt_text:
= Enable Skype Translator
Strings settings_notifications_title:
= Chat notifications
Strings settings_notifications_alt_text:
= Turn on or off chat notifications
Strings actionsMenuItem_text_scheduleCall:
= Schedule a call with Outlook
= Schedule a call
Strings expressionPicker_store_free:
= Free
Strings expressionPicker_storeTab_title:
= Store
Strings schedule_call_subject_text:
= Skype call with {topic}
Strings modal_scheduleCall_getting_ready_label:
= Getting your call ready...
Strings modal_scheduleCall_ready_label:
= Your call is ready to be scheduled.
Strings modal_scheduleCall_create_event_button:
= Create event
Strings modal_scheduleCall_close_button:
= Close

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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