unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.3.331 for Web

On the last day of the month appeared a new release of Skype for Web. But for some reason the developers have not reported nor a new release nor a list of changes that were made in Skype 1.3.331 for Web.

Skype 1.3.331 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 844


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.3.331 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings splashScreen_text_loading:
= Loading...
Strings splashScreen_linking_title:
= Connect to Skype
Strings splashScreen_linking_description:
= Call and message with others - wherever they are.
Strings splashScreen_linking_button:
= Sign in or join
Strings unsupportedBrowser_title:
= Please update your browser to start using Skype.
Strings unsupportedBrowser_button:
= Update Internet Explorer
Strings input_searchSkype_ariaLabel:
= Search conversation. Type contact or group name.
Strings input_searchSkypeDirectory_ariaLabel:
= Search Skype Directory
Strings button_text_new:
= New
Strings label_text_insertText_oneToOne:
= Chat input, conversation with {displayName}
Strings label_text_insertText_group:
= Chat input, conversation with {displayName}, {participantsCount} participants
Strings label_text_openConversation:
= Open conversation with {displayName}
Strings label_text_from:
= From:
Strings label_text_deleteContact:
= Delete contact
Strings modal_deleteContact_text_aria_label:
= Delete Contact
Strings modal_deleteContact_text_title:
= Are you sure you want to delete {displayName}?
Strings modal_deleteContact_text_message:
= {displayName} will be removed from your contact list.
Strings message_text_timeStampMessage:
= Sent on:
Strings message_text_removed:
= This message has been removed
Strings label_text_newConv:
= New chat
= New
Strings callscreen_text_statusMessageScreenReaderConnecting:
= Connecting to {contactName}
Strings pluginInstall_label_text_autoUpdateDisclaimer:
= This plugin will automatically update to give you the best experience. If you don't want the updates, please do not install the plugin.
Strings notification_text_noPlugin_description:
= You will need to install the plugin to make audio and video calls.
= You will need to install the plugin to make audio and video calls. It will automatically update in the future.
Strings emoticon_giggle:
= Gigle
= Giggle
Strings emoticon_muscle:
= Muscle
Strings media_picturesharing_label:
= Open photo in a new window
Strings action_button_delete:
= Delete
Strings accessibility_recentItem_oneToOne:
= Conversation with {topic}. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_oneToOne_many:
= Conversation with {topic}. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_oneToOne_unread:
= Conversation with {topic}, {count} unread message. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_oneToOne_unread_many:
= Conversation with {topic}, {count} unread messages. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_group_unread:
= Group conversation with {count} unread message {topic}. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_group_unread_many:
= Group conversation with {count} unread messages {topic}. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_group:
= Group conversation {topic}. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_recentItem_group_many:
= Group conversation {topic}. Press Shift + F ten for more options.
Strings accessibility_chatLog_newMessage:
= New message from {author}, {content}
Strings accessibility_searching:
= Searching
Strings accessibility_searchItem_oneToOne:
= {contactName}, {id}, {status}, {index} of {totalResults} in People.
Strings accessibility_searchItem_group:
= Group {groupName}, {index} of {totalResults} in Groups.
Strings accessibility_searchItem_group_displayMessage:
= Group {groupName}, {displayMessage}, {index} of {totalResults} in Groups.
Strings accessibility_searchItem_directoryList:
= {contactName}, {id}, {status}, {index} of {totalResults} in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_localSearchUpdated:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} result found in your contacts and groups. {peopleSearchResults} in people and {groupsSearchResults} in Groups.
Strings accessibility_localSearchUpdated_few:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found in your contacts and groups. {peopleSearchResults} in people and {groupsSearchResults} in Groups.
Strings accessibility_localSearchUpdated_many:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found in your contacts and groups. {peopleSearchResults} in people and {groupsSearchResults} in Groups.
Strings accessibility_localSearchNoResults:
= Search updated and no results found in your contacts and groups. Press enter to search the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_clearSearchField_ariaLabel:
= Clear search input field.
Strings accessibility_skypeDirectorySearchUpdated:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} result found in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_skypeDirectorySearchUpdated_few:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_skypeDirectorySearchUpdated_many:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_totalSearchUpdated:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} result found. {peopleSearchResults} in people, {groupsSearchResults} in groups and {SkypeDirectorySearchResults} in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_totalSearchUpdated_few:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found. {peopleSearchResults} in people, {groupsSearchResults} in groups and {SkypeDirectorySearchResults} in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_totalSearchUpdated_many:
= Search updated and {totalSearchResults} results found. {peopleSearchResults} in people, {groupsSearchResults} in groups and {SkypeDirectorySearchResults} in the Skype Directory.
Strings accessibility_totalSearchNoResults:
= Search updated and no results found in your contacts, groups and the Skype Directory.
Strings groupChatHeader_heading_ariaLabel:
= Group chat:{topic}. View group profile.
Strings conversationHeader_heading_ariaLabel:
= Conversation with {participant}.
Strings groupProfile_spacesLink_ariaLabel:
= Link to this group chat: {spacesUrl}
Strings emotion_muscle:
= Muscle

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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