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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 1.2.272 for Web

Has been rolled a new update of Skype for Web with some further user interface tweaks especially in the "New Chat" section. Also was updated the plugin so it works well with latest Chrome and added the functionality to "Block" or "Unblock" contacts.

Skype 1.2.272 for Web

Operating system:


Skype version:


Release date:

Total hits:

2 866


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 1.2.272 for Web. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Web, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Improved Improved UI
Fixed Plugin works with latest Chrome
Tuned "Block/Unblock" functionality
Strings label_text_headerMenuInstantMessage:
= Instant message
Strings label_text_blockContact:
= Block contact
Strings label_text_unblockContact:
= Unblock contact
Strings modal_blockContact_text_aria_label:
= Block Contact
Strings modal_blockContact_text_title:
= Are you sure you want to block {displayName}?
Strings modal_blockContact_text_message:
= {displayName} will be blocked from your contacts and won't be able to contact you.
Strings modal_blockContact_text_reportAbuse:
= Report abuse from this person
Strings header_text_admin:
= Admin
Strings header_text_guest:
= Guest
Strings spaces_email_subject:
= Join me in my Skype Space
Strings spaces_email_greeting:
= Hi there,
Strings spaces_email_joinMe:
= Join me in '{spaceName}' on Skype so we can call, chat and share things together.
Strings spaces_email_link:
= Just use this link to join our Space:
Strings message_text_contactBlockedMessage:
= You have blocked <strong>{displayName}</strong>
Strings message_text_unblockContact:
= unblock
Strings message_text_contactBlocked:
= blocked
Strings pluginInstall_main_close_screen_title:
= Are you sure you want to leave?
Strings pluginInstall_main_close_screen_subtitle:
= You're almost done setting up Skype calling.
Strings pluginInstall_main_close_screen_finish_text:
= Finish setup
Strings pluginInstall_main_close_screen_leave_text:
= Leave
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_text_title:
= Enable Skype calls in a few simple steps...
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_text_subtitle:
= Start by adding Skype Calling extension to Chrome
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_text_add_extension:
= Add extension
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_installed_text_title:
= Great!
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_installed_text_subtitle:
= Now install Skype for Web plugin and you're all set
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_installed_get_plugin_text:
= Get plugin
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_install_failed_text_title:
= Oops, something went wrong
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_install_failed_text_subtitle:
= Let's try again...
Strings pluginInstall_extension_main_install_failed_go_to_chrome_webstore_text:
= Go to the Chrome web store
Strings pluginInstall_steps_text_subtitle:
= Simply follow these three steps to set up Skype calling
= Simply follow these three steps to set up Skype calls
Strings action_button_block:
= Block
Strings label_text_newConvTo:
= To:
Strings label_text_newConvAdd:
= Add participants:
Strings label_text_historyPlaceholder:
= Your message and call history will appear here
Strings label_text_loadingMessages:
= Loading messages...

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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