$0.184 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.089 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$1.929 = 0.184 × 10 + $0.089
Phone codes:
This rate is applied to calls that do not match phone codes for tariffs listed below. To avoid mistakes, we recommend to use the Skype call cost calculator.
Croatia - Mobile
$0.390 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.089 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$3.989 = 0.390 × 10 + $0.089
Phone codes:
3859, 38591, 38592, 38595, 38597, 38598, 38599
), #which is 10 times more then calling landline in Italy less then 200 km away.
So the prices above are not correct.
I'm disappointed.
Can you please correct my charge to more appropriate by returning my Skype credits.
Thank you
), # ↑Nevertheless, you cannot compare prices based on the distance between destinations, otherwise we would get that the difference in the cost of calls between the USA and Italy should be thousands of times. The cost of calls (and everything else) depends on the specific country (in particular, its taxes and many other factors).