$0.023 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.049 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$0.279 = 0.023 × 10 + $0.049
Phone codes:
This rate is applied to calls that do not match phone codes for tariffs listed below. To avoid mistakes, we recommend to use the Skype call cost calculator.
Denmark - Mobile
$0.100 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.089 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$1.089 = 0.100 × 10 + $0.089
Phone codes:
452, 4530, 4531, 45310, 45311, 45312, 45313, 453130, 4531311, 4531313, 4531314, 4531315, 4531316, 4531317, 4531318, 4531319, 453132, 453133, 453134, 453135, 453136, 453137, 453138, 453139, 45314, 45315, 45316, 45317, 45318, 45319, 453235, 4540, 4541, 45410, 45411, 45412, 45413, 45414, 45415, 45416, 45417, 45418, 45419, 4542, 45420, 45421, 45422, 45423, 45424, 45425, 45426, 45427, 45428, 454282, 454286, 454296, 454297, 454298, 454299, 4550, 4551, 4552, 455211, 455222, 4553, 455319, 45532, 45533, 45534, 45539, 4560, 4561, 4571, 45711, 457110, 457111, 457112, 457113, 457114, 457115, 45712, 457120, 457121, 457122, 457123, 457124, 45713, 45714, 45715, 45716, 457170, 457171, 457174, 457175, 457176, 457177, 45718, 457191, 457192, 4581, 45811, 458111, 45812, 45813, 458181, 458182, 4591, 459110, 459111, 459112, 459119, 459188, 459191, 459199, 4592, 459210, 459211, 459212, 459213, 459214, 459215, 459216, 459217, 459218, 459219, 459220, 459222, 4593
Denmark - Shared Cost
$0.023 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.049 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$0.279 = 0.023 × 10 + $0.049
Phone codes:
1 comment
), #I use windows, and my laptop is an ASUS N56VZ some 12 years old, but still working reasonably well.
I just need a version of Skype, which will give me video options, so I can see her.
I expect yo be calling her only 2 or 3 times a month. And she may also call me.
She lives in Copenhagen, home for elderly people.
If you need other info, please reply to the above. Thank you