$0.175 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.089 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$1.839 = 0.175 × 10 + $0.089
Phone codes:
This rate is applied to calls that do not match phone codes for tariffs listed below. To avoid mistakes, we recommend to use the Skype call cost calculator.
Albania - Mobile
$0.460 Cost of 1 minute |
+ |
$0.089 Connection fee |
Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$4.689 = 0.460 × 10 + $0.089
Phone codes:
35566, 35567, 35568, 35569
1 comment
), #These rates seem to calculate the cost of call originating from the U.S. Is there a way to find out what would it cost someone outside of the U.S. to call into a U.S. Skype conferencing number, or another country that has a local conference number. For example, how much it would cost for someone in Kenya to call into a South Africa Skype number?
I am using Skype for Business.
Thank you for your help.