unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Limited service of Instant messaging affecting Skype for Windows desktop

From the official Skype Status blog: Some users might be experiencing problems with instant messages (chat). There might be delays with sending or syncing messages.

Number of users confirming this error: ???


Chronicle of events:

  • Error formally confirmed

  • We have identified the cause of this incident and are actively working on fixing it.

  • Error formally confirmed

  • We have identified the cause of this incident and are actively working on fixing it.

  • We have identified the cause of this incident and are actively working on fixing it.

  • We believe to have fixed the causes for the incident and are verifying the fix.

  • Error formally confirmed

  • We believe to have fixed the causes for the incident and are verifying the fix.

  • We have discovered new related issues for the incident and are actively resolving those.

  • We have identified the cause of this incident and are actively working on fixing it.

  • We believe to have fixed the causes for the incident and are verifying the fix.

  • We have identified the cause of this incident and are actively working on fixing it.

  • We have resolved the incident and have resumed normal service.

  • We believe to have fixed the causes for the incident and are verifying the fix.

  • We are seeing normal service returning but it’s taking longer than expected for the fix to reach all users.

  • We have resolved the incident and have resumed normal service.


  1. 0 0 0
    marinko49 (karma: +3),
    In Status Kästchen drehen sich zwei Pfeile und meine freunde sehen mich nicht und ich sie auch nicht wen ich sie anrufe funktioniert Gespräch Einwand frei aber ich stehe in Roth und anzeige sie sind nicht mit Internet verbunden aber der Gespräch kann ich weiter führen. Das ist seit 03.01 .2018 ohne mein Einwirkung passiert Bei Skype starten war das bild da und ist immer noch . Ich habe Windows !0 und Skype 7.4 für PC.

    [Updated ]
    Dies Fehler besteht noch immer : In Status Kästchen drehen sich zwei weise Pfeile und mein Status stehe ich als offline . Internet Verbindung ist normal nur mit Skype Verbindung geht das nicht seit 03.02 . 2018 .ich bitte Skype um Hilfe.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Please wait until the developers fix the issue.
  2. 1 +1 0
    Lukasz (karma: +4),
    I am in the same situation.
    Can't get online, although i am signed in, can't see the real status of my contacts, all are shown offline, also can't send and receive instant messages.
    The only working function is voice calling.
    All that problems started for me at noon the 3rd February, and last untill now.
    Greettings from Poland
  3. 0 0 0
    Marx (karma: 0),
    For whatever reason the Skype team refuses to acknowledge problems on mobile versions of Skype are going on even though I saw someone who said they reported it. This has gone on for a days. I am logged in on the last 7 version of Skype for Android(since the OS is too old to run 8) and I am unable to see contacts status except for Skype bots, unable to send messages, am able to make calls with Skype to Skype call test service. I would call a friend but I don't want to accidentaly disturb them but I heard it works from some other people. This issue is global too effecting people all over. The people on desktop don't have as much issue since logging out then in helps fix it for them but doesn't seem to help mobile users.

    I saw two or three people who said they couldn't call normal numbers with Skype but that's a seporate issue I think.
  4. 1 +1 0
    JackTee (karma: +1),
    Same problem WinXP 32bit Skype 7.xx and I can start skype but I cant change status to online
    status icon is rotating like unable connect and in status line I see message "Connecting"
    I upgraded AES256 libraries and using CLI parametrers for setup /username:nick + /password:xxxx
    and I cant using skype last few days. Time to support other communicator based on open protocol like qTox
    MS is killing Skype last years slowly, its bloatware with high impact on CPU performance.

    I cant upgrade on Skype 8.15 becouse Installer is saying "Program does not support version of windows"
    Bye bye skype time for replacing is here.
  5. 0 0 0
    Mallory (karma: 0),

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