Problems with sending Skype chat and message sending
6 comments✔ Status: Fixed
(2 votes)
Developers have reported a problems related to Skype chat messaging service, and hope that engineers will be able to fix the error as soon as possible. As reported on the official website, users can encounter delays or failures when sending instant messages.
I again have that same problem as it was on Friday. Regarding the graph you have set here, what time zone is shown? It seems it is not localized and not UTC.
Hi, thanks, I saw the official confirmation shortly after writing this.
Now I checked the time on several browsers, on two computers. Even the timestamps here in comments are shown UTC+3 instead of UTC+1 as it should be (I compared it to time that I got in email notification)
), #+18
), #+1208
), # ↑ps. About time zone, time is stored as UTC, but on chart should be displayed as localized.
), # ↑Now I checked the time on several browsers, on two computers. Even the timestamps here in comments are shown UTC+3 instead of UTC+1 as it should be (I compared it to time that I got in email notification)
), # ↑0
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