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Skype messaging issues

From the official Skype Heartbeat blog: We are aware of an issue that is causing some users to be unable to send/receive messages and see presence of contacts. Our engineers are actively investigating the issue and we hope to resolve it as soon as possible.

Number of users confirming this error: ???

Information about this error was published automatically. Soon the information will be reviewed by the administrator.

Chronicle of events:

  • Error formally confirmed

  • The issue has been fully resolved.


  1. 0 0 0
    Kayke (karma: +5),
    It seems the problem is still happening once again today, does anyone know if skype is aware of this?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      1. 0 0 0
        Kayke (karma: +5),
        Thats not the problem I have. I can sign in ok but I occasionally cannot send or receive messages. I get the blue connecting circle from time to time. My internet is fine and like I said, it's the same things that happend on the 29th.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1212),
          Oh! I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I would like to inform you that at the moment I do not have any problems with messaging. Therefore I would like to know what is the result of the /dumpmsnp command?
          1. 0 0 0
            Kayke (karma: +5),
            MSNP: Connection Data (MSNP24):
            * Status: NetStateConnected
            * Server Current:
            * Server Saved:
            * Login: (Don't want to show it here) (Token) IMPL: 0 PMN_SET
            * Login State: CUR:0 LAST:0 LEND:0 ERRC:0
            * Skypename: (Don't want to show it here) [linked]
            * EPID: 0becdad3-ae7b-0840-4a3f-8d56eba10738
            * ClientVersion: 0/
            * OSVersion: Windows 6.3 (build
            * Time: TZ: UTC+1, Server: 1504269894, Local: 1504269922
            * Connection: IF: 0 DC: 0 RC: direct
            * B:0 CS:[B:1 S:1] MO:yes CWB:1 Q:0[F:0 I:0] PMN:ATH
            * Recent connect: @ 2017-09-01T12:30:16Z
            * Recent connect: @ 2017-09-01T10:54:27Z
            * Recent connect: @ 2017-09-01T10:50:13Z
            * Recent connect: @ 2017-08-31T23:51:26Z
            * Recent connect: @ 2017-08-31T23:41:53Z
            * Push: None (Unregistered)
            * Build conf: RELEASE
            * CLC: cc9e3d6110a4f3b41bf4f300c4b75d55a8743c08
            * CL: 64e33b8c6a326a5c44db051c538cad359bbc8c8a
            * ML: 499671deea5bab8f2a60e4cde42f06cca5081f53
            * CoreLib: releases/CL2017.R15 @ 124be529ca72960084742c42495b3953271e4b79

            (I cut out my login and skype name)

            [Updated ]
            i accidentally posted it in a new post, sorry. Did I send the correct information
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1212),
              Do not worry I merged and moved your comments. Unfortunately, I do not know what cause your issue, but I noticed a little time delay. Try to update your PC time from Control Panel → Date and Time → Internet Time → Change Settings and click “Update now” (before this ensure that the correct Time Zone is indicated).

              If this did not help, open file %appdata%\Skype\skype_login\config.xml and copy here all information between <MSNPCore></MSNPCore> tags.
              1. 0 0 0
                Kayke (karma: +5),
                1. 0 0 0
                  Administrator (karma: +1212),
                  Sorry for this, but please never share all information from the config.xml file (there exists a lot of sensitive information). You had to specify only the information I left in your comment (i.e., find <MSNPCore> and select information before </MSNPCore>). Anyway, please do not worry; I never use the information for malicious purposes.

                  About your issue. As I understand updating time does not fixed it? Is so it seems it occurs because your account does not use the MSNP24 protocol. To activate it, execute /msnp24 command (you should receive the “Restart and be a happy MSNP24 user” message) and restart Skype. Even if this did not solve the issue, execute the following commands one by one then restart Skype:
                  /setupkey Lib/MSNPCore/HomeServer
                  /setupkey Lib/MSNPCore/PrimaryServer
                  /setupkey Lib/MSNPCore/ProtocolToUse 24

                  Please let me know if it solved your issue.
                  1. 0 0 0
                    Kayke (karma: +5),
                    I have tried all these things, and while it dosn't happen as often, it does still seem to happen on the odd occasion.

                    [Updated ]
                    I have also completly re-installed skype from scratch (deleteing all skype files on my comp). Will I have to redo all this?

                    [Updated ]
                    (UPDATE on the issue)

                    So I set my online status to Online instead or away like it normaly is, and so far it has yet to give me the errors. Did I accidentally fix it? In my mind it makes sense since when they bring out the new skype, you'll only ever be either online or offline so maybe my away symbol was messing with things...? I'm not may just be a coincidence and still break.

                    What do you think...?

                    [Updated ]
                    Disregard all my messages, it still happens. It only fixes when i close skype and then re-open it. Do you have any suggestions?
                    1. 0 0 0
                      Administrator (karma: +1212),
                      I’m very sorry, but unfortunately I have no more ideas.

                      If this is a global problem, they will certainly fix it in the coming days. In any case, try to contact Skype support.

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