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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype Connectivity Problems

From the official Skype Heartbeat blog: Following the Incident from yesterday, we have discovered that some users may still be impacted and will find issues sending and/or receiving messages. We are applying a permanent fix and and we will provide any update when service has been fully restored.

Number of users confirming this error: ???

Information about this error was published automatically. Soon the information will be reviewed by the administrator.

Chronicle of events:

  • Error formally confirmed

  • The issue has been fully resolved.


  1. 0 0 0
    miko (karma: +301),
    I dod't know where write it, my skype home lost connection many times when im on skype and it take 15-20 seconds to see mood messages on my skype home again. I use many skype accounts on the same time and when it happen to all my accounts it's froze my skype and slow down my laptop. When i used older skype it never happend to me. Now i see Spinning Blue Circle on my skype home very often. Is that normal?
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      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! It is certainly wrong behavior, but I don’t know what can cause it. Does it even occur when only one Skype account is used? How about to boot into Windows safe mode and try to launch Skype?
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        miko (karma: +301),
        When i use one account it happns too, when i boot laptop in safe mode it will take some time to wait for it, it happend to me mostly when my skype is open but i do other things and when i back to check skype i see Spinning Blue Circle.
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          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Using Internet Explorer check access to Skype and paste here the URL to result.
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            miko (karma: +301),
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              Unfortunately I have no idea why it happens. I thought that it occurs due to network delays, but it seems everything is ok. Try to remember when the problems started and what you changed/installed on your PC.
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                miko (karma: +301),
                I did't install anything on my computer, i only updated programs that i already use. I think i see this problem from the beggining. After skype force me to leave normal skype 6:20.0.104 and use new skype.
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                  Administrator (karma: +1208),
                  Perhaps you have a lot content on your Skype Home? If so, try to use an account that does not have any messages.
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                    miko (karma: +301),
                    I not have too much mood messages on my skype home, i can see them on my skype home only when peoples change message mood at the same time when im online, if im not online at the same with person who change mood message then i see zero mood messages on my skype home.

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