Message sending/receiving problems on Skype for Linux 5.x clients
2 comments✔ Status: Fixed
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From the official Skype Heartbeat blog: We are aware that some of our Skype for Linux 5.x users are having problems with sending/receiving messages. We're actively looking into the problem and will let you know, once it's resolved!
Number of users confirming this error: ???
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Since yesterday my Skype 4.3 has problems sending messages. I still could chat with my colleague, but my messages arrived about 20 minutes late.
Today, absolutely no messages reach their destination anymore, an exclamation mark is shown after a while.
I found, that there is already a newer version (Beta, which I installed, but I get the very same effect. This version just shows "failed" after a while.
The developer wrote that the fix has been deployed ( Is it somewhere available?
Hi! I suppose your colleague is on the same network and use an old client, this is why the issue did not affected you. As for “failed” messages, be sure that your contacts have installed latest versions of Skype.
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), #Since yesterday my Skype 4.3 has problems sending messages. I still could chat with my colleague, but my messages arrived about 20 minutes late.
Today, absolutely no messages reach their destination anymore, an exclamation mark is shown after a while.
I found, that there is already a newer version (Beta, which I installed, but I get the very same effect. This version just shows "failed" after a while.
The developer wrote that the fix has been deployed ( Is it somewhere available?
), # ↑