unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Outage of service of Signing into Skype

From the official Skype Status blog: Service outage of signing in to Skype affects most Skype users and causes serious problems when trying to sign in to Skype. There might be error messages about connections issues or incorrect credentials. Signing in to Skype might not work at all.

Number of users confirming this error: ???

Information about this error was published automatically. Soon the information will be reviewed by the administrator.

Chronicle of events:

  • Error formally confirmed

  • Error formally confirmed

  • We have resolved the incident and have resumed normal service.

  • We have identified an incident affecting our services and are actively looking into it.

  • We have resolved the incident and have resumed normal service.

1 comment

  1. 0 0 0
    Ivanova (karma: +3),
    I can not enter my Skype

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